4th Husband Charles  Gurney

Charles Gurney  , Druggist of Brewers Street, Deal Kent.  a widower with son Charles age 7  b 1812 . He  brought a party of 13 men  which set sail in HM Store Ship Weymouth which left Portsmouth on 7th January 1820.

Gurney was druggist ( Pharmcist) in Deal &  later a smuggler in South Africa &  then Market Master for Port Elizabeth,  
He married the widowed Sarah Moore Cadle Thomas nee Hornblow on  7 Dec 1828  Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Gurney Bb 1778  Parents might be  Charles & Margaret at Southgate, South Weld Middlesex son Charles Bb 22 April 1778

Brewer Street Deal in Kent

Deal in Kent started to flourish in the mid-17th century. In the age of sailing ships, the sheltered Deal coast was a haven. At times, hundreds of ships anchored off the coast bringing business and prosperity to the area.

The town also gained fame for smuggling. In January 1784, the rampant smuggling prompted Prime Minister William Pitt to send soldiers to Deal.

Due to a storm the soldiers found all the boats on shore and set light to them  However the prosperity of the smugglers was such  that this caused only a temporary inconvenience.

Charles Gurney's application to Emigrate

The Rectory, Deal Sept 24th 1819

My Lord, I take the liberty of troubling you with this letter at the particular request of Mr. Charles GURNEY, who, I understand your Lordship has been informed, wishes to emigrate to the Cape of Good Hope. The party he has formed to proceed with him to that Colony is chiefly composed of young men resident here. They all bear respectable characters, are each of them, I believe, possessed of some small capital, & from every information I can procure are inclined to be industrious. The distress which is so unhappily prevalent in this place & the consequent difficulty of procuring a subsistence, has prompted them to embrace the opportunity which now offers of endeavouring to better their condition, & will, I humbly hope, be an inducement with your Lordship to forward their plan, as far as the same may be deemed consistent with the views of His Majesty’s Government.

I have the honour to be My Lord Your Lordship’s most obedt hum sevt Rev. J.R. BACKHOUSE, Rector of Deal

Ship Weymouth Number in the Party 24 Leader Charles Gurney Area Party originated from Kent, England Area allocated to the party Zwartkops River, near Port Elizabeth

Surnames in party Atkins, Basden, Bubb, Carter, Claringbould, Cronk, Darby, Gurney, Hubbard, Kennett, Keogh, Terry, Unknown, Watson, Webster, Woodland, Notes A party of 24 from Kent led by Charles GURNEY sailed in "Weymouth". They were located west of the Zwartkops River mouth, naming their location New Deal. The land is now known as Deal Party. With him were Basden James (20) Labourer Bubb George (21) Boatman Carter John (44) Accountant

Claringbould Richard (22) Cronk John (37) Sailor

Thomas (12)Robert (9) Butcher Ann (34) Mary Ann (14)John (8)Frances (6)

Darby John (23) Painter;  Gurney Charles (42) Druggist  son Charles (7)

Hubbard Joseph (22) Boatman Keogh Patrick (25) Tailor. Name also spelled Kew Rebecca (25) Henry Terry Matson (18) Labourer Watson Richard (18) Labourer Webster George (27) Saddler & shoemaker Jane (27) George (3) Woodland John (20) Boatman

  7 Dec 1828  Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa